
Gubbeen is a Washed Rinded cheeses with a pinkish and white bloom - this rind, or crust, is actually a triple layered bloom of different organisms. The first being yeasts which grow within 3 days of cheeses arriving in the curing rooms and having been inoculated with the micoseeds of the Gubbeen Flora. Once the yeasts have arrived the brevibacterium linens will grow rapidly giving the rind a tan and a nutty scent, this is then encouraged with not only the salt and water washes, but the addition of white wine; it balances the pH of the rind, protects and encourages the flora - within 5 days there will be a top bloom of the oxygen loving white candidum - this micro-garden traffic influences the appearance, structure and flavour of Gubbeen as its root stock works through the body of the cheese softening and flavouring.

  • Pasteurised Cow's Milk
  • County Cork, Ireland

We recommend the following quantities per person:

For an after dinner cheese board, 30g to 50g per cheese per person is generally enough and should not leave you with much leftover. If you are planning to have a big table and / or want some cheese to be carried over a few days ,we recommend 60 to 80g per cheese per person.

The number of cheeses is up too you (i say the more the better!) but to achieve a good selection from textures, Strenghs & different milks, 4 to 6 cheeses are recommended.

The average Cheese Weight we recommend:

2 to 4 Guests: 125 to 150g per cheese

6 to 8 Guests: 200 to 250g per Cheese

10 to 12 Guests: 300 to 350g per Cheese

14 to 16 Guests: 450 to 500g per Cheese


We will prepare your order as soon as possible and have it delivered within 2 Business days.

We deliver Nationwide Tuesday to Friday

If you would prefer to Pre Order for a specific delivery date, please leave us a note at the checkout as well as any message you wish to include.

If you require a specific product please call the shop on 01565 751697 as we will be able to help.